Breaking: Leaked Copy of Stephen Miller/Donald Trump Race Speech Surfaces

Steve Bouchard
6 min readJun 19, 2020


Stephen Miller, pictured hair in a file photo

NOTE: We have obtained this exclusive copy of a draft a speech on race relations written by Stephen Miller and Donald Trump that is to be delivered tomorrow in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

— Editor

June 19, 2020

My fellow Americans — and I mean both kinds — regular Americans and black Americans, our nation is doing great. We are doing much better than anyone expected. No one can believe the job we are doing. World leaders say to me all the time, “Sir, your country is doing so great, can you help us?”

But even though we are doing terrific — the job numbers were beautiful — I mean, considering what we just went through with the Wuhan Flu, the numbers are special. Because of this virus, or pandemic as I like to call it… it’s a pandemic. Very big. I also call it the invisible enemy. You can’t see it. But no matter what you call it, the jobs report was a perfect report. And I did that while Democrat governors were trying to stay closed to hurt Trump. So the numbers could have been even better. They will be next quarter and next year, that I can tell you. Right now we are already coming back. We are rebuilding the economy right now. And I know more about building than anyone, that I can tell you. I built the greatest economy in the history of the world, and I will do it again. Even better though. Think of the economy like one of my developments. The construction the first time was terrific. The best materials. Then we got a little bit knocked down, not bad, but a little bit. Right now we are reconstructing it. But I am going to take us back to where we were before… pre-reconstruction. When things were very beautiful.

But not everything is as great as I want it. I tell my people “this isn’t great enough,” and they tell me, “Sir, we can’t do anything more.” That’s not acceptable to me. Maybe I should make my campaign slogan “Make America Even More Greater Again.” I like that. But there are still some people being treated terribly unfairly. Our beautiful men… and women, probably, but mostly men, of law enforcement. They are heroes. Like our beautiful veterans. But they are being treated very horribly. It’s a terrible thing that’s happening in our country. You are lucky I am your president. If I wasn’t president, the country would be very divided right now. Very divided, like you wouldn’t believe. That I can tell you. It’s causing hoodlums and thugs and gangbangers to start destroying our beautiful cities — well, not Democrat cities where the leaders are very weak.

Democrat leaders are trying to defund them, so they can’t protect our many great citizens. As long as I am your president… your law and order president, that will never happen. Believe me. But because they are treated so unfairly by the Democrats and the Democrat, radical leftist press, it is causing trouble across the country. Well, in cities, really, if you think about it. Democrat run cities where the ghettos are just filthy. It’s horrible. You wouldn’t even want to walk there. And all this trouble is making life very hard for some very beautiful people in this country. African Americans. Or “the blacks” as I call them, but no matter what you call those people, I have been their greatest president, well, at least since Lincoln, but probably even more than him even. Black unemployment before it went up, was way down. I told them before, “what do you have to lose?” This pandemic is showing them what Democrat politicians would do to them… many of the blacks call me and tell me what a terrific job I am doing. They say, “Sir, none of us have ever seen anything like this. We thought Obama was going to be good for us, but he wasn’t.” They’re right. The Obama Biden administration was horrible to all people, but mostly blacks.

I should know. I understand the blacks because I have been treated horribly, not just by Obama and his crooked cops, but also by the media… the “fake news” I call it. No one has been treated worse than me, so I understand how the blacks feel.

Black people have suffered in this country for decades, probably more maybe, but maybe not. Many people don’t know that. This all started to change in my administration. I am very proud of that. I have lots of blacks in my administration, like Ben Carson.

I also have some great supporters who are among some of the all-time greatest blacks. Many of them set records. Like Kanye West, Diamond and Silk, Candace Owens, and Ben Carson. If our great Vice President wasn’t doing such a great job, maybe I would have made one of them my Vice President.

And black people have a long history in our country. Most of the great African Americans come from the United States. Many people don’t know that. They are now in all 50 states my people tell me. I ask them, “Even Alaska?” and they say, “Even Alaska sir.”

And we are united. Our country is more united now than it has been in a long time, probably since Lincoln, but maybe even longer, if you think about it. The fake news will never tell you this, but I have a 96% approval with Republicans. Republicans couldn’t agree on anything before I got here. But I got things done. Tax cuts? “But, sir, we can’t do that we tried.” I told them I am going to do it. And for the blacks, I have done prison reform. All the other presidents before me… very weak. It’s sad. All of them tried and couldn’t get prison reform done. But I did. I have done more in three and a half years than any other president has done even in two terms. Roosevelt had three. Many people don’t know that, but Roosevelt had three. Looking up at you, Teddy. How’d you do it, Teddy? The people down here want me to do three, maybe more even but probably three. Imagine how great we will be when I am in my second and third term? It will be beautiful. We will see things that no one could ever have predicted. No one has ever come close. Not even Reagan. So we are more united than ever. You know it and I know it.

Now, there are some leftist democrats and Antifa terrorists who want to try and cause trouble and make me look bad. They are burning down their own cities. Horrible. It’s a horrible thing that’s happening in Democrat cities. But you notice they aren’t here. That’s because we the people are here. Look, we have bikers for Trump and women for Trump and African Americans for Trump. Everybody is for Trump. And the law enforcement. Very special people. They love me. And I love them. If the leftist terrorists wanted to make trouble, they would be met with furor. Just like in the old days. I like that. I love the furor. You love the furor. Very beautiful.

So, in closing, I need you all to remember to vote. Gotta vote. Very important. If you vote we win. The other side is nasty and they are doing nasty things. Vote by mail. Give me a break. Such a disgrace. It’s horrible. It’s a horrible thing. But we have ways to stop them. Believe me. That I can tell you. So I want you all to vote. I want everybody to vote… Oklahomians, Floridites, even some of the blacks. Because they know that if Trump wins, we will make the economy great again. We will make law and order great again. And we will make America great again.

Thank you. And may God… our beautiful God… very special… may God bless the United States, and the whole world, really, if you think about it.



Steve Bouchard
Steve Bouchard

Written by Steve Bouchard

Bouchard (1967-Now) is an American “writer” & “humorist.” A cyclist, he’s tied w/ Lance Armstrong in Tour de France wins. Combined w/ Jeff Bezos, is worth $100B

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