Donald Trump is: The Dim Reaper
This Weak in Politics, Vol. 238
June 18, 2020
Another quiet week in America. Sure, massive protests continue, another 1.5 million people have filed jobless claims — putting the total over 45 million, Facebook pulled ads from President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign for using Nazi symbols, and it was revealed that the immediate past National Security Advisor — not the convicted felon one, and not the one who called Trump “an idiot” and “a dope — said that “obstruction was a way of life” in the Trump administration, that the president regularly asks for illegal electoral favors from foreign leaders, that his senior advisors mock him behind his back, that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once slipped him a note saying Trump is “so full of shit,” and that Trump gave two tiny thumbs up to Chinese President Xi’s concentration camps for Uyghur Muslims.
So, you know… a quiet week.
On the coronavirus front, the administration is acting as though we have the pandemic under control, that our testing is sufficient, the numbers are heading in the right direction and soon it will all be gone. If the numbers are in fact coming down, they are coming down slower than Trump on a ramp. Which would be ok, we guess, but we really need them to come down as fast as Trump to a bunker when the black people are outside his window. But this is not the case. In other words, Trump and coronavirus commando Mike Pence (sp?) are living on some sort of fantasy island where alternative facts rule.
The president, for example, is trying to reassure Americans that the nation is again safe — give or take a couple million cases of coronavirus — and that we can all go back to normal. To prove this, he is holding a rally the day after Juneteenth, a day commemorating the freeing of the slaves, in a city that 99 years ago this month was the site of the single worst incident of racial violence in American history. See? Back to normal. We can only imagine the type of people that would go to an arena with 19,000 maskless wonders to cheer on a racist.
The president, rather than acknowledging that it was a mistake to originally book this rally not just on Juneteenth, but also during a pandemic, says he sees an upside. Just as he “invented” the terms “fake news” and “priming the pump,” the president says until he created this situation, no one had ever heard of Juneteenth. Now while he might not be the “founder” of Juneteenth, we are certain it could be said he discovered it… earlier this week.
As for the latest rounds of damning allegations, this week, excerpts from a new mustache by John Bolton, former National Security Mustache, were released to the press. The White House threatened to mustache…
That thing is so f^&*ing distracting.
We’ll try again. This week, excerpts from a new book by former National Security Coward, John Bolton, were released to the press. The book alleges that Trump is clueless, reckless, and dangerous. Thanks for those shocking revelations, captain…
The truth is, Trump and Bolton never saw eye to eye as this photo of the Ambassador playing the “I’m crushing you” game while looking at the president shows.
For those interested, Bolton’s tales of the corruption and criminal ineptitude at the White House can be found at bookstores, online, on shelves, but not under oath.
Also this week, the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration’s plan to end protection from deportation for about 700,000 DACA recipients. The president, enraged whenever he’s denied the ability to kick brown people, attacked the Supreme Court. He called the decisions horrible and says they were politically motivated.
He added that he needs a legal decision, not one the Supreme Court just gave. What’s he going to do, appeal to an even supremer court?
In fairness… the man does have a way of appealing to supremacy.
Finally, a wave of politically correct (and necessary) reckonings that should have taken places decades (if not a century) ago continued this week. Most notable among them were the removal of iconic and racist brand images for Aunt Jemima syrup and Uncle Ben’s rice.
We can easily envision a day where references to our more innocent, pre-COVID-19 ways are censored as being inappropriate. Here’s what could lie in our future:
And that’s the way the weak spent the week in a nation where our year has been so bad it has spawned a whole new meme, “If 2020 were a____...”
Well, we decided to try one of our own. Enjoy.
Did we do that right?
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