With all due respect, Ron, this looked like an argument looking for a place to land. I am simply advocating that we ought to hear her out, as we ought to hear out any candidate or potential candidate. I find nothing about her story, bio or experience that says to me “she should not run.” I also never suggested that everyone who disagrees with me is a misogynist, which you suggest, ironically in a paragraph about straw men arguments.
You also suggest that Oprah should get some executive experience, but later advocate for three possible candidates, none of whom has executive experience. It sounds to me like you have a problem with Oprah Winfrey. That’s fine, there could well be many, many factors arguing against Oprah. I don’t think any of them rise to the level that would suggest she should not run. They instead suggest that she would not earn your vote. Amen. She may not earn mine either…but I would like to hear her out.